Kiev - Pecherskaya Lavra |
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- the medical-sanitory centre
2. ITOMED - the prophylaxical centre 3. Indications 4. The results of utilization 5. ITOMED-the medical - rehabilitational centre ![]() ![]() |
- osteohondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis; - post trauma affections and contracturas, including post strokes; - Bechterev illness; - myozites, neuralgias; - myopathy of different ethyology. 2. Patients with macro- and microcirculated disorders of upper and lower ex-tremities vessels: - congenital, gained and postoperational; - congenital lymphostasis of lower extremities; - lymphostasis after oncogynaecological operations and mastectomia; - varicose veins of lower extremities with trophic ulcers; - diabetes and diabetic anhyopathiases; - obliterating endarteriites. 3. Patients with ilness of respiratory organs , cardiovascular system and metabolism: - hypertonia of 1-2 st; - obesity of 2-3-4 st; - chronic bronchitis and chronic non-specific pneumonia; - acute bronchitis and pneumonia ( with the background of antibacterial therapy ); - initial stages of bronchial asthma; - miocardiodystrophy; - vegeto vascular dystonia. 4. Patients with functions disorders of alimentary canal: - cholepathia; - chronic cholecyctitis ( in case there are no calculuses in gall-bladder); - stomach ulcer and duodenum ulcer; - chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis. 5. Patients with urogenital system disorders: - chronic non-specific inflammations of uterus appendages; - algodysmenorrhea; - chronic prostatitises; - chronic cyctitises, pyelitises, pyelonephritis; - some forms of impotency. 6. Patients with psychoemotional disorders, after physical and intellectual overstrains and stresses: - depressions and neuroses. Pneumopressing is well combined with medicinal treatment, needle and reflex theraphy, onformotheraphy, electro- thermal- hydropathic treatment, phytotheraphy and homoeopathy, magnetic- and laser therapy ( is a stabilizing factor on the human organism ). This therapy is only conducted after consultation and inspection of physician. - infectious illnesses;