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Kiev - Pecherskaya Lavra

At the present moment, "ITOMED"  - the medical-sanitory, rehabilitational, prophylaxical centre is functioning in Kiev, Ukraine, where the medical sets "Bioregulator-004" are used for treatment after  I.Tarshinov's method. - russian language 

1.  ITOMED - the medical-sanitory centre 
2.  ITOMED - the  prophylaxical centre 
3.  Indications  
4. The results of utilization 
5.  ITOMED-the medical 
 - rehabilitational centre 
6.  Comparison of medical set Bioregulator-004 with the analogue of German company Limphomat general director "ITOMED" - Vladimir  Sergeev.  Ukraine city - Kiev, Kikvidze strit 32-a
 Telephone number for inquiry: 380-44-4124355
 E-mail  [email protected]
"ITOMED" - the prophylaxical centre
A set is used for treatment and prophylaxis of body circulating  disorders, improvement of haemodynamic and reological properties of blood, metabolism and sustance trophic. It assists to collateral  circulation of blood, strengthening of  cells regeneration, increases blood  intake, reduces pain and speeds up renovation processes in cells and tissues.
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